Could you be a bit more selective?
Mar 14, 2022Lewis and I just did an overhaul on our bedroom. We invested in two gallons of paint and two full days. We emptied the room and then once the paint was dry we became very selective about what returned including - art, books, clothes, rugs, lamps, and furniture. There is a pile of "where the hell is this stuff going to live now" in our living room. I'll figure that out this week.
Today was the first day waking up in this new space and I am feeling delighted. In fact, I am writing this from my bed. And, everywhere I gaze I see something I love. A view. A chair. A plant. A clear surface. The dresser from his parents. The secretary from my grandparents. Olive, our poodle, beside me.
And this has got me thinking...
We practiced being selective and the results are extraordinary.
Before, we had just allowed stuff to migrate into our room.
I had grown numb to what was on the walls.
I tolerated piles of books and mail on the dresser.
I ignored what I had stored under the bed.
I neglected to put the suitcase from last weekend away.
I had 47 pens and 4 years of old checkbooks in the desk.
Can you relate?
Maybe, for you it's not your bedroom, it's another room, or a job, or a relationship. Let's use it as a metaphor for our lives.
Where are you being selective in your life?
Where are you being passive in your life?
When we are selective we are practicing living with intention.
When we are selective we are honoring what we most want.
When we are selective we are setting boundaries.
When we are selective we are living at a higher vibe.
When we are selective we invite people, places, and things into our lives on purpose.
When we are passive we are sitting in the passenger seat of our life.
When we are passive we are living on autopilot.
When we are passive we defer to everyone else.
When we are passive we avoid the discomfort of exerting ourself.
When we are passive we get what we get.
When we are passive we are often ignoring.
Are you being selective or passive about...
how you fuel your body - food, drink, vitamins
what you feed your brain - media, books, conversations, music
who gets your time - at work and at home
what you put on your body - lotions, clothes, jewelry
how you spend, invest, and save your money
your surroundings - home, car, people, town, yard, nature
the thoughts you entertain and accept as true
the feelings you create on purpose
your relationships
your future
Choose one area of your life this week.
Your body.
Your closet.
Your desk.
Your most common thoughts.
Your friend group.
Your car.
What you choose for entertainment.
And, get real with yourself.
Does this area feel in alignment with who you most desire to be?
Does this area create feelings you want to feel?
Does this area create high vibes for you?
You know what to do if not.
My coach calls it having a red velvet rope policy for your life.
You choose what comes behind the rope.
I'm on a roll.... nothing is safe now in my house.
I am going to continue on this journey so that everywhere I look, sit, and walk in this house I feel at ease, inspired, deliberate, and reflected.
I think the refrigerator is my next task....
Care to join me?
You are so behind my red velvet rope,
P.S If this approach to making shifts appeals to you, we should so work together. We start with a free call where I will walk you through the Before and After process of your life. We will explore what you want most, and identify what's blocking you from having it. You are just three months away from living a life you select.