
Are you sleepwalking through your life?

Sep 27, 2024
Psst... Are you wide awake and fully engaged in your life? 
Are you present and alive?
Are you clear on what you want to create professionally (a legacy, an impact, a fully funded retirement?)
Are you a little bit pinching yourself that you get to embody your body and walk through the day being you? 

I am not asking if you are skipping through meadows and surrounded by singing butterflies, but are you noticing all your senses? Are you happy? Are you growing and expanding? 


Are you sleep walking?

Going through the motions?
Biding your time?
Resigned to how things are?  
Convincing yourself it's greedy to want more? 
Thinking that more is not actually possible? 
Limiting yourself? 

Guess why some live in the latter and not the former? 

Fear of making a wrong decision.
Fear of letting others down. 
Fear of disrupting what is working. 
Fear of change. 
Fear of discomfort. 
Fear of going for it and failing. 
Fear that you won't actually follow through.
Fear that you want more than you are capable of creating. 
Fear that "it" will be too hard. 
Fear that you'll get it wrong. 
Fear that you are dreaming too big. (as if)

You've seen the catchy book or article titles ...
Made for more
Is this all there is? 
Becoming more
Leaving mediocrity behind.

You don't need to read any of them. 
(unless you, like me, simply love consuming words.)

Each will share what I just shared. 
Fear is stopping you. 

Fear is protective, until it is not. 

Fear is necessary if a saber tooth tiger is chasing you, but not if you are itching to change industries, position yourself for the promotion, prepping for a job search following a setback, ready to launch your business.

Fear works in your favor when it keeps you physically and emotionally safe, but, it works against you if it prevents you from getting uncomfortable on your way to a more engaged life. 


1) When you feel fear, ask what you are thinking that is creating the fear. Thoughts like: I may fail, This will be hard. I may embarrass myself. I may go bankrupt, I will let my family down. I may not be qualified. I'm too old. I"m behind. 

2) Then, once you have identified the thought or thoughts, ask yourself if you know women who didn't let these thoughts stop them.
  • Can you think of someone you know who has failed and still achieved?
  • Can you think of someone who accepted her family's feedback, but didn't let it stop her?
  • Can you think of someone who grew more qualified each time she pivoted?
  • Can you think of someone who was "old" and did it anyway? 
  • Can you think of someone who experienced a set back as a speed bump and not a road block?
  • Can you think of someone who leaned in to a disruption and came out better for it? 

And, then .... AND THIS IS KEY....
3) Are you game to use their story in your favor, not against yourself?  Are you open to channelling what they may have been thinking (and if you know them, ask them what they were thinking) on their way to an engaged life? Are you willing to entertain that what you have been telling yourself may not be true? 

And this is the biggie... 
Are you willing to allow the fear and still take action? 

  • What if letting fear stop you is actually significantly limiting your life? 
  • What if you are wildly capable and talented and filled with potential and it just takes a few mindset shifts to get out of your own way?  
  • What if you thanked the fear and asked her to sit in the passenger seat while you take back control of the steering wheel? 
  • What if none of this were a fantasy, but a very real possibility? 
So, recognize the fear, accept the fear, allow the fear, and do not let it stop you. 

Failure is a speed bump, not a road block. 
Discomfort is a speed bump, not a road block. 
Embarrassment is a speed bump, not a road block. 

What speed bumps are you willing to navigate on your way to an engaged life? 

I believe in you, 
Kristin (the remover of road blocks...) 

P.S.  This is exactly what I work on with clients. Whether the cilent wants to build confidence, find a new job, get the promotion, create more health, master their time, rebound from a lay off or firing, it all starts with letting go of fear (spoiler alert: It's always a series of thoughts) and then teaching them how to untether from the thoughts to cross the bridge from fear to action!   Click here if you'd like to set up a free chat to discuss where you may be letting fear keep you stuck and let me offer you some tools and questions to release you!